Intersectional Therapies, PLLC
Rian Roberson, M.A., LMHC, CHt

Workshops, Trainings, & Presentations
Over the past several year, the U.S. has seen a substantial rise in hate crimes against all marginalized communities, including the Black community, AAPI communities, Latinx communities, the LGBTQ community, the Muslim community, immigrants, and many others.
Marginalized communities are also among the hardest impacted by COVID-19 pandemic, experiencing higher infection rates, mortality rates, job loss, and poverty.
Our nation is greatly in need of healing and repair as we recover from a global pandemic and a charged political landscape.
I offer a variety of psychologically-informed workshops and trainings aimed at increasing awareness of individual & systemic power and privilege, identifying individual & systemic marginalization, deepening knowledge of human behavior, mental health concepts, and social justice.
Workshops, trainings, & presentations are offered to the community, small, medium, and large businesses and corporations, nonprofits, NGOs, state & federal entities, educational institutions, agencies, and small teams & groups.
Until the end of social distancing, all workshops, trainings, and presentations will be held virtually.
Fees: Fees vary per organization, discounts are offered to nonprofit organizations and community workshops.
Show Up for Each Other: Intersectionality at Work
Focus: Exploration of diversity, power, and privilege using the ADDRESSING model,
identifying microaggressions, and intercepting discrimination.
3-hour workshop
Intersectional Allyship:
Agents of Change
Focus: For people of privilege, this workshop explores agent skill development, systemic power & privilege, and explores the psychology of discrimination.
2-day workshop
Mental Health & COVID-19
Focus: Addresses the mental health impact of COVID-19, lockdown, social isolation, depression/anxiety, grief & loss, best practices for supporting & sustaining mental health.
30-min presentation, 30-min Q&A
Beyond DEI
Focus: Offers a psychologically-informed approach to the challenges of creating meaningful systemic and structural change.
This presentation offers new ways of approaching DEI with the goal of increasing justice and equity for all.
1-hour presentation
I offer consultation on the following topics:
Gender Diversity
Biracial Gender Identity
Diversity & Mental Health
Social Justice
Questions? Requests for a workshop, training or keynote?
Please send your inquiry through the contact button